Tag Documentation[ tag libraries ] [ tags ] The following document contains a summary of all the core Jelly tag libraries. Tag Libraries[ tag libraries ] [ tags ]
Tags[ tag libraries ] [ tags ] random:uniformThis is a random number generation class that produces pseudo-random doubles acording to a configured Normal Distribution. It uses the cern.jet.random.Normal Class to support this distribution. The distribution can be configured by supplying a mean and a standard devation. A seed can also be provided.
random:normalThis is a random number generation class that produces pseudo-random doubles acording to a configured Normal Distribution. It uses the cern.jet.random.Normal Class to support this distribution. The distribution can be configured by supplying a mean and a standard devation. A seed can also be provided.
random:gammaThis is a random number generation class that produces pseudo-random doubles acording to a configured Lambda Distribution. The Distribution is supported by the cern.jet.random.Gamma Distribution Class. The distribution can be configured by two strategies 1.) Alpha and Lambda parameters can be provided for the distribution.
random:betaThis is a random number generation class that produces pseudo-random doubles acording to a configured Beta Distribution. The Distribution is supported by the cern.jet.random.Beta Distribution Class. The distribution can be configured by two strategies 1.) Alpha and Beta parameters can be provided for the distribution. 2.) The mean and standard devation can be provided to configure the distribution. With this strategy alpha and beta are estimated through the equations: alpha = mean{[mean(1-mean)/s^2] - 1} beta = (1-mean) mean{[mean(1-mean)/s^2] - 1}